is a complete on-line data collection system. Its functionalities allow for Web surveys, of course, but it has also been used to build registration systems, project tracking systems, intelligent forms, etc. Basically, CallWeb brings together the flexibility of a high-level scripting system with the strength of a full SQL data base warehouse and the sturdiness of proven software, all of that managed entirely using the most common browsers.
CallWeb has two main components: a Web data collection system and a system to manage telephone interviewing (i.e., a CATI system).

Here are just a few examples of the tasks that CallWeb can take on for you:
- collect respondent data over a number of browser pages;
- adapt the text presented to respondents and the questions asked of them to the information already provided;
- send respondents an e-mail message to confirm an agreement made on-line;
- interrogate data bases to extract information relevant to the current interaction with the respondent;
- randomly choose a subset of options which are presented to the respondent;
- stop filling out a questionnaire and resume at the same location a few days later;
- format a contract based on information supplied by the respondent;
- do a mass-mailing of customized messages to prospective respondents;
- identify e-mail messages which did not reach their destination;
- insert any quantity of data about each potential respondent before the data collection and validate these data during the exchange;
- and much more.
This site presents the main characteristics of CallWeb as well as a few examples. Since our offering is completely transparent, this site also houses CallWeb's technical documentation.