Quick start

This page provides brief instructions on how to set up your first CallWeb CATI project. It is assumed that you have access to a Web server equipped with CallWeb and to an FTP program to transfer files to the server.

  1. edit the BASEprojets project to document your new project;
  2. edit the BASEpasse project to make sure interviewers can log in;
  3. add the following questions to the script: PRESTRATE, CALCTESTQUOTAS, TESTQUOTAS;
  4. add call result codes to the project;
  5. populate the data base with the telephone numbers to call and the stratum to which each number belongs;
  6. add telephone numbers to the call queue;
  7. unleash interviewers.

Quick start

This page provides brief instructions on how to set up your first CallWeb CATI project. It is assumed that you have access to a Web server equipped with CallWeb and to an FTP program to transfer files to the server.

  1. edit the BASEprojets project to document your new project;
  2. edit the BASEpasse project to make sure interviewers can log in;
  3. add the following questions to the script: PRESTRATE, CALCTESTQUOTAS, TESTQUOTAS;
  4. add call result codes to the project;
  5. populate the data base with the telephone numbers to call and the stratum to which each number belongs;
  6. add telephone numbers to the call queue;
  7. unleash interviewers.