ANSWER CATEGORIES RECIPES A1 Randomizing the answer categories A2 Displaying only some answer categories A3 Displaying only some entries in a large list of answer categories A4 Randomly selecting a subset of possible answer categories A5 Randomly selecting a subset of selected answer categories A6 Adding an initial message to a drop-down list A7 Creating a question requesting a value and a unit A8 Adding headers in answer sets A9 Ensuring that category permutations are the same for two questions A10 Drawing answer categories from an external source |
TABLE APPEARANCE RECIPES B1 Keeping the table columns the same width B2 Inserting an other box in a table B3 Displaying semantic differential scales B4 Using the top left corner of the table |
OTHER QUESTIONNAIRE APPEARANCE RECIPES C1 Modifying the appearance of recalled text C2 Displaying different text upon recall of an answer C3 Controlling where to show the progress bar C4 Formatting the progress bar C5 Formatting buttons, boxes and dropdown lists C6 Adaptative button text C7 Adapting to mobile devices |
QUESTIONNAIRE FLOW RECIPES D1 Displaying questions in random order D2 Ending a questionnaire without an exit URL D3 Exiting to a different URL depending upon circumstances D4 Suspending a questionnaire and sending a return e-mail D5 Displaying a question only at the call centre D6 Displaying a question in only one language D7 Testing that responses total 100% D8 Changing to another language programmatically D9 Branching out to any URL | CALCULATIONS RECIPES E1 Determining how many responses were given to a question E2 Determining how many responses were given to a series of questions E3 Adding a specialized function to CallWeb E4 Bringing data to a common unit E5 Calculating time spent on a page E6 Debugging a complex calculation E7 Recalculating a CALCUL question en masse E8 Verifying an e-mail address E9 Adding or subtracting time from a date-time value E10 Drawing a data chart |
ACCESS AND SECURITY RECIPES F1 Closing data collection at a particular date or time F2 Controlling access to a questionnaire by IP address F3 Closing access once a certain number of completed questionnaires is reached F4 Giving restricted access to some individuals F5 Password-protecting a directory F6 Providing short links to questionnaires F7 Offering an "Unsubscribe" mechanism F8 Setting up access with a modifiable password F9 Two-factor authentication and more access control  F10 Controlled access on an open project  |
SPECIAL ACTIONS G1 E-mailing during the course of the questionnaire G2 Creating an open-end part allowing only unique values G3 Recording a Web completion as part of a dual-mode project G4 Activating the CallWeb pretest mode and accepting respondent feedback G5 Coding open-end questions G6 Managing a do-not-call list in CATI mode G7 Naming the sending e-mail address G8 Recording face-to-face interviews G9 Pushing data into a project during an interview G10 Identifying straightlining G11 Preparing a large prepop G12 Commenting a questionnaire |