Control data collection

The cwsuper.cgi interface gives access to field management actions for each project that is defined as "active" in BASEprojets. The following paragraphs describe each column of cwsuper.cgi interface.

Define or stop updates
This column may contain an open folder icon or a skull icon. The open folder icon indicates that there is no update planned for the project; clicking on this icon brings up the update planning interface (cwsuperpro.cgi). The skull icon indicates that there is an update planned for the project; clicking on this icon stops the automatic update and brings up the update planning interface.

Most recent update
This column indicates when then most recent project update has taken place — as long as a call queue exists for the project.

Next update
This column documents in how many minutes the next project update will take place.

Additions with the most recent update
This column informs about the number of telephone numbers which were added to the call queue at the last project update (e.g., new numbers, appointments, numbers brought back after a pause).

Numbers available to interviewers
This column contains the number of telephone numbers currently available for interviewers to use (the call queue). Note that numbers in time zones which are currently closed (because of the project start and end times) are included in this total.

Number of interviewers
This column reports on the number of open BASEtemps slips for each project. A value followed by a question mark refers to time slips opened before the current day. The numbers are hyperlinked to a cwnav.cgi list of the corresponding time slips.

Completes according to cwstats
This column reports the numbers of completed questionnaires according to the cwstats data base which is updated every hour.

Condition of the fieldwork
this icon produces a large table describing the state of the fieldwork based on the last call result; the table comprises three parts:

  • the first provides a picture of the distribution of last call result code by prepopulated stratum (PRESTRATE);
  • the second reports the average number of calls made according to last call result code and according to the combination of prepopulated stratum abnd result code;
  • the third describes call results within calculated strata (TESTQUOTAS); only cases that have been accessed are reported since TESTQUOTAS requires a calculation that is performed upon opening a case.

State of the call queue
This icon displays a table describing the state of call queue: it offers a breakdown of numbers by strata and last call result. The page also reports the parameters of every update performed since the last reinitialization of the call queue. A red (rather than yellow) icon indicates that the most recent update encountered some constraints (e.g., closed strata, strate where the maximum number of allowed numbers is reached).

Case groups
This icons brings up a listing of existing groups of cases that were predefined for use by the interviewers in selecting the cases they will be provided from the call queue.

Cases by results
This icon calls cwfreq.cgi and automatically builds a table according to call results and strata; each combination of a call result and a stratum is hyperlinked to the underlying list in the cwnav.cgi program.

The Gantt chart icon opens cwprod.cgi with a selection for the current project. Productivity stats are available from there.

Entry in BASEprojets
This icon opens the BASEprojets entry for a given project.

This icon brings up a cw.cgi menu with the project already selected.

Automatic quota closure

If the required conditions are fulfilled, CallWeb automatically closes PRESTRATE-based quotas as soon as the first interviewer reaches the quota-filled situation. Thereafter, no more cases from this newly-closed quota is dispatched or added to the call queue. The conditions that are necessary for this automation are as follows:

  • PRESTRATE and the first active QUOTA question have the same list of categories;
  • the project is defined as a "# CATI = yes" project in the project pound instructions or in the system installation file;
  • the project does not contain a "# Close full quota = no" instruction; adding this instruction to the system configuration file would deactivate the automatic quota closure system altogether;
  • the BASEprojets project exists and it contains the QUOTASPLEINS field;
  • the project has been compile while all of these conditions were met.

To re-open a quota that was closed after being reached, perform the following actions:

  • edit the questionnaire to increase the quota target for the quota in question in the definition of the quota variable;
  • recompile the questionnaire;
  • request a recalculation of the call queue or wait for the call queue to recalculate itself.
  • Control data collection

    The cwsuper.cgi interface gives access to field management actions for each project that is defined as "active" in BASEprojets. The following paragraphs describe each column of cwsuper.cgi interface.

    Define or stop updates
    This column may contain an open folder icon or a skull icon. The open folder icon indicates that there is no update planned for the project; clicking on this icon brings up the update planning interface (cwsuperpro.cgi). The skull icon indicates that there is an update planned for the project; clicking on this icon stops the automatic update and brings up the update planning interface.

    Most recent update
    This column indicates when then most recent project update has taken place — as long as a call queue exists for the project.

    Next update
    This column documents in how many minutes the next project update will take place.

    Additions with the most recent update
    This column informs about the number of telephone numbers which were added to the call queue at the last project update (e.g., new numbers, appointments, numbers brought back after a pause).

    Numbers available to interviewers
    This column contains the number of telephone numbers currently available for interviewers to use (the call queue). Note that numbers in time zones which are currently closed (because of the project start and end times) are included in this total.

    Number of interviewers
    This column reports on the number of open BASEtemps slips for each project. A value followed by a question mark refers to time slips opened before the current day. The numbers are hyperlinked to a cwnav.cgi list of the corresponding time slips.

    Completes according to cwstats
    This column reports the numbers of completed questionnaires according to the cwstats data base which is updated every hour.

    Condition of the fieldwork
    this icon produces a large table describing the state of the fieldwork based on the last call result; the table comprises three parts:

    • the first provides a picture of the distribution of last call result code by prepopulated stratum (PRESTRATE);
    • the second reports the average number of calls made according to last call result code and according to the combination of prepopulated stratum abnd result code;
    • the third describes call results within calculated strata (TESTQUOTAS); only cases that have been accessed are reported since TESTQUOTAS requires a calculation that is performed upon opening a case.

    State of the call queue
    This icon displays a table describing the state of call queue: it offers a breakdown of numbers by strata and last call result. The page also reports the parameters of every update performed since the last reinitialization of the call queue. A red (rather than yellow) icon indicates that the most recent update encountered some constraints (e.g., closed strata, strate where the maximum number of allowed numbers is reached).

    Case groups
    This icons brings up a listing of existing groups of cases that were predefined for use by the interviewers in selecting the cases they will be provided from the call queue.

    Cases by results
    This icon calls cwfreq.cgi and automatically builds a table according to call results and strata; each combination of a call result and a stratum is hyperlinked to the underlying list in the cwnav.cgi program.

    The Gantt chart icon opens cwprod.cgi with a selection for the current project. Productivity stats are available from there.

    Entry in BASEprojets
    This icon opens the BASEprojets entry for a given project.

    This icon brings up a cw.cgi menu with the project already selected.

    Automatic quota closure

    If the required conditions are fulfilled, CallWeb automatically closes PRESTRATE-based quotas as soon as the first interviewer reaches the quota-filled situation. Thereafter, no more cases from this newly-closed quota is dispatched or added to the call queue. The conditions that are necessary for this automation are as follows:

    • PRESTRATE and the first active QUOTA question have the same list of categories;
    • the project is defined as a "# CATI = yes" project in the project pound instructions or in the system installation file;
    • the project does not contain a "# Close full quota = no" instruction; adding this instruction to the system configuration file would deactivate the automatic quota closure system altogether;
    • the BASEprojets project exists and it contains the QUOTASPLEINS field;
    • the project has been compile while all of these conditions were met.

    To re-open a quota that was closed after being reached, perform the following actions:

    • edit the questionnaire to increase the quota target for the quota in question in the definition of the quota variable;
    • recompile the questionnaire;
    • request a recalculation of the call queue or wait for the call queue to recalculate itself.