Field management

File management

The CallWeb cwdocs module allows you to manage your project files on the server without the need for a separate FTP or SFTP program. Like all other CallWeb modules, cwdocs is entirely Web-based and requires no local installation.

With this module, users can create, delete, copy, rename and move directories. They can also upload, download, delete, copy, rename and move files. (To come: deleting to a trashcan.)

This module was written with security in mind. Users are jailed within the CallWeb instance; if cwdocs is called from a directory other than the master utility directory, users are jailed in that directory. They see only files that are reasonably managed in a Web application. They cannot change file or directory permissions.

cwdocs can only modify or delete directories and files that are accessible to the user under which the Web server runs. Therefore, it is possible that users of cwdocs will not be able, for example, to delete files or directories that were created by other Linux users. That's the cost of security.

When a user creates a directory off the root of the CallWeb instance, access to that directory is added to that user's permissions. However, that access permission is not deleted if the directory is erased. It would be deleted if a super-user re-saved the user's permissions in the permission module.

Access to cwdocs will be from a new icon placed in the upper right-hand side corner of the integrated module interface.

Field management

File management

The CallWeb cwdocs module allows you to manage your project files on the server without the need for a separate FTP or SFTP program. Like all other CallWeb modules, cwdocs is entirely Web-based and requires no local installation.

With this module, users can create, delete, copy, rename and move directories. They can also upload, download, delete, copy, rename and move files. (To come: deleting to a trashcan.)

This module was written with security in mind. Users are jailed within the CallWeb instance; if cwdocs is called from a directory other than the master utility directory, users are jailed in that directory. They see only files that are reasonably managed in a Web application. They cannot change file or directory permissions.

cwdocs can only modify or delete directories and files that are accessible to the user under which the Web server runs. Therefore, it is possible that users of cwdocs will not be able, for example, to delete files or directories that were created by other Linux users. That's the cost of security.

When a user creates a directory off the root of the CallWeb instance, access to that directory is added to that user's permissions. However, that access permission is not deleted if the directory is erased. It would be deleted if a super-user re-saved the user's permissions in the permission module.

Access to cwdocs will be from a new icon placed in the upper right-hand side corner of the integrated module interface.