Determining how many responses were given to a series of questions


You want to find out how many answers a respondent has given to a series question.


Use a CALCUL question as in:

    number = n_such(1,4,9,"Q1-Q10")


The n_such function returns the number of selections a respondent has made in a list of questions among the list of codes which precedes the name of the question. In the example above, only answers with values 1, 4 and 9 are counted and only answers provided to questions lying between Q1 and Q10 (including these boundaries) are included. The syntax of the list of questions allows for ranges (as above) as well as individual question names and concatenations using commas as in: "Q1-Q5, Q7, Q8-Q10".

Determining how many responses were given to a series of questions


You want to find out how many answers a respondent has given to a series question.


Use a CALCUL question as in:

    number = n_such(1,4,9,"Q1-Q10")


The n_such function returns the number of selections a respondent has made in a list of questions among the list of codes which precedes the name of the question. In the example above, only answers with values 1, 4 and 9 are counted and only answers provided to questions lying between Q1 and Q10 (including these boundaries) are included. The syntax of the list of questions allows for ranges (as above) as well as individual question names and concatenations using commas as in: "Q1-Q5, Q7, Q8-Q10".