CAPI working modes | wireless Internet and standalone | Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) can be done over the Internet by connecting to a CallWeb server the same way Web questionnaire would be conducted. In addition, it is possible to install CallWeb on individual laptops to make them completely autonomous. |
Required installation in wireless Internet mode | any browser and a wireless connection | For the person completing the on-line questionnaire, the system demands no specialised software. All operations are performed by a basic Internet browser. Any browser supporting the display of HTML tables conforms to the CallWeb specifications, which definitely includes the third versions (and later) of Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator as well as Firefox. CallWeb was tested using Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape Navigator and Opera under Windows and Linux. CallWeb does not rely on Javascript, Java or any other non standard programming module. Safari for Windows version 3 was found to lack compliance with basic HTML codes and should not be used with CallWeb. |
Required installation in standalone mode | a Linux-based laptop | Any laptop on which Linux is installed or can be installed can become a standalone CallWeb computer. All required (free) software components can be installed easily. As an example, a fully functional and self-sufficient instance of CallWeb was installed on a $400CDN Asus eeepc |
Web-based questionnaires | | CAPI questionnaires are in fact Web questionnaires used within a controlled CAPI environment. Therefore all CallWeb questionnaire design, conditional display, user interface, data validation, data management and project management features apply to the CAPI environment. |
Number of concurrent installations | unlimited | The CallWeb annual licence does not restrict the number of CAPI installations performed within the client company. |
Number of concurrent projects | unlimited | CallWeb imposes no limit to the number of projects that are run concurrently. Each bears its case management and call disposition rules. Interviewers log into a given project but may be given the ability to search for particular cases across projects if the need arises. |
Multi-mode | | Run telephone, Web and in-person interviews on the same project at the same time (that is, in the very same data base!). Reep the benefits of each data collection mode and use them all to get the greatest possible response. |
Data transfer in standalone mode | | Data collected in standalone mode remain on the CAPI laptop. When an Internet connection can be secured, a click on a link initiates the transfer of data from the laptop to the server — from anywhere in the world! This way, interviewers don't have to be constantly on the hunt for an Internet connection and the project manager back at the office can still get consolidated data from all mobile interviewers at regular intervals. |