Appendix L

Basic HTML tags

Paragraph with a style definition<p class="ERREUR">Blabla</p>Blabla
Any text with a style definition<span class="ERREUR">Blabla</span>Blabla
Line breakLine1<br />Line2Line1
Hyperlink<a href="">text</a>text
Hyperlink in a new window/tab<a href="" target="_blank">text</a>text
Bullet list<ul><li>first bullet</li><li>second bullet</li></ul>
  • first bullet
  • second bullet
Numbered list<ol><li>first bullet</li><li>second bullet</li></ol>
  1. first bullet
  2. second bullet
Horizontal rule<hr />
Image insert<img src="../images/list-arrow.gif" />
Abbreviation<abbr title="Great CAWI/CATI/CAPI product!">CallWeb</abbr>CallWeb

HTML colours

In HTML, colours are defined using RGB (red, green and blue) codes. RGB codes are made up of three pairs of hexadecimal (from 0 to F) characters, followed a pound sign (which is unrelated to CallWeb's pound instructions). Each pair of hexadecimal characters indicates the amount of each base colour (red, green and blue) in the specific colour combination. For example, #FFFFFF is white because it includes a maximum of each of red, green and blue colours; #000000 is black because there is none of any of the colours.

There are many useful on-line tools to help with colour selection. ColorPicker, the Febooti on-line colour chart and the Doughnut Color Picker return colour codes for millions of colours using a familiar interface. Other tools like ColorScheme Designer, Color Palette Creator and kuler help select colour schemes. Finally, pixie (Windows executable) and Colorzilla (Firefox extension) identify colours that the mouse points to on screen.

Basic HTML codes

Block 1Block 2Block 3
CharacterNumeric codeHTML equivalentCharacterNumeric codeHTML equivalentCharacterNumeric codeHTML equivalent
&#32; g&#103; Ï&#207;&Iuml;
!&#33; h&#104; Ð&#208;&ETH;
"&#34;&quot;i&#105; Ñ&#209;&Ntilde;
#&#35; j&#106; Ò&#210;&Ograve;
$&#36; k&#107; Ó&#211;&Oacute;
%&#37; l&#108; Ô&#212;&Ocirc;
&&#38;&amp;m&#109; Õ&#213;&Otilde;
'&#39; n&#110; Ö&#214;&Ouml;
(&#40; o&#111; ×&#215;&times;
)&#41; p&#112; Ø&#216;&Oslash;
*&#42; q&#113; Ù&#217;&Ugrave;
+&#43; r&#114; Ú&#218;&Uacute;
,&#44; s&#115; Û&#219;&Ucirc;
-&#45; t&#116; Ü&#220;&Uuml;
.&#46; u&#117; Ý&#221;&Yacute;
/&#47; v&#118; Þ&#222;&THORN;
0&#48; w&#119; ß&#223;&szlig;
1&#49; x&#120; à&#224;&agrave;
2&#50; y&#121; á&#225;&aacute;
3&#51; z&#122; â&#226;&acirc;
4&#52; {&#123; ã&#227;&atilde;
5&#53; |&#124; ä&#228;&auml;
6&#54; }&#125; å&#229;&aring;
7&#55; ~&#126; æ&#230;&aelig;
8&#56;  &#160;&nbsp;ç&#231;&ccedil;
9&#57; ¡&#161;&iexcl;è&#232;&egrave;
:&#58; ¢&#162;&cent;é&#233;&eacute;
;&#59; £&#163;&pound;ê&#234;&ecirc;
=&#61; ¥&#165;&yen;ì&#236;&igrave;
?&#63; §&#167;&sect;î&#238;&icirc;
@&#64; ¨&#168;&uml;ï&#239;&iuml;
A&#65; ©&#169;&copy;ð&#240;&eth;
B&#66; ª&#170;&ordf;ñ&#241;&ntilde;
C&#67; «&#171;&laquo;ò&#242;&ograve;
D&#68; ¬&#172;&not;ó&#243;&oacute;
E&#69; ­&#173;&shy;ô&#244;&ocirc;
F&#70; ®&#174;&reg;õ&#245;&otilde;
G&#71; ¯&#175;&macr;ö&#246;&ouml;
H&#72; °&#176;&deg;÷&#247;&divide;
I&#73; ±&#177;&plusmn;ø&#248;&oslash;
J&#74; ²&#178;&sup2;ù&#249;&ugrave;
K&#75; ³&#179;&sup3;ú&#250;&uacute;
L&#76; ´&#180;&acute;û&#251;&ucirc;
M&#77; µ&#181;&micro;ü&#252;&uuml;
N&#78; &#182;&para;ý&#253;&yacute;
O&#79; ·&#183;&middot;þ&#254;&thorn;
P&#80; ¸&#184;&cedil;ÿ&#255;&yuml;
Q&#81; ¹&#185;&sup1;Œ&#338; 
R&#82; º&#186;&ordm;œ&#339; 
S&#83; »&#187;&raquo;Š&#352; 
T&#84; ¼&#188;&frac14;š&#353; 
U&#85; ½&#189;&frac12;Ÿ&#376; 
V&#86; ¾&#190;&frac34;ƒ&#402; 
W&#87; ¿&#191;&iquest;&#8211; 
X&#88; À&#192;&Agrave;&#8212; 
Y&#89; Á&#193;&Aacute;&#8216; 
Z&#90; Â&#194;&Acirc;&#8217; 
[&#91; Ã&#195;&Atilde;&#8218; 
\&#92; Ä&#196;&Auml;&#8220; 
]&#93; Å&#197;&Aring;&#8221; 
^&#94; Æ&#198;&AElig;&#8222; 
_&#95; Ç&#199;&Ccedil;&#8224; 
`&#96; È&#200;&Egrave;&#8225; 
a&#97; É&#201;&Eacute;&#8226; 
b&#98; Ê&#202;&Ecirc;&#8230; 
c&#99; Ë&#203;&Euml;&#8240; 
d&#100; Ì&#204;&Igrave;&#8364;&euro;
e&#101; Í&#205;&Iacute;&#8482; 
f&#102; Î&#206;&Icirc;   

Appendix L

Basic HTML tags

Paragraph with a style definition<p class="ERREUR">Blabla</p>Blabla
Any text with a style definition<span class="ERREUR">Blabla</span>Blabla
Line breakLine1<br />Line2Line1
Hyperlink<a href="">text</a>text
Hyperlink in a new window/tab<a href="" target="_blank">text</a>text
Bullet list<ul><li>first bullet</li><li>second bullet</li></ul>
  • first bullet
  • second bullet
Numbered list<ol><li>first bullet</li><li>second bullet</li></ol>
  1. first bullet
  2. second bullet
Horizontal rule<hr />
Image insert<img src="../images/list-arrow.gif" />
Abbreviation<abbr title="Great CAWI/CATI/CAPI product!">CallWeb</abbr>CallWeb

HTML colours

In HTML, colours are defined using RGB (red, green and blue) codes. RGB codes are made up of three pairs of hexadecimal (from 0 to F) characters, followed a pound sign (which is unrelated to CallWeb's pound instructions). Each pair of hexadecimal characters indicates the amount of each base colour (red, green and blue) in the specific colour combination. For example, #FFFFFF is white because it includes a maximum of each of red, green and blue colours; #000000 is black because there is none of any of the colours.

There are many useful on-line tools to help with colour selection. ColorPicker, the Febooti on-line colour chart and the Doughnut Color Picker return colour codes for millions of colours using a familiar interface. Other tools like ColorScheme Designer, Color Palette Creator and kuler help select colour schemes. Finally, pixie (Windows executable) and Colorzilla (Firefox extension) identify colours that the mouse points to on screen.

Basic HTML codes

Block 1Block 2Block 3
CharacterNumeric codeHTML equivalentCharacterNumeric codeHTML equivalentCharacterNumeric codeHTML equivalent
&#32; g&#103; Ï&#207;&Iuml;
!&#33; h&#104; Ð&#208;&ETH;
"&#34;&quot;i&#105; Ñ&#209;&Ntilde;
#&#35; j&#106; Ò&#210;&Ograve;
$&#36; k&#107; Ó&#211;&Oacute;
%&#37; l&#108; Ô&#212;&Ocirc;
&&#38;&amp;m&#109; Õ&#213;&Otilde;
'&#39; n&#110; Ö&#214;&Ouml;
(&#40; o&#111; ×&#215;&times;
)&#41; p&#112; Ø&#216;&Oslash;
*&#42; q&#113; Ù&#217;&Ugrave;
+&#43; r&#114; Ú&#218;&Uacute;
,&#44; s&#115; Û&#219;&Ucirc;
-&#45; t&#116; Ü&#220;&Uuml;
.&#46; u&#117; Ý&#221;&Yacute;
/&#47; v&#118; Þ&#222;&THORN;
0&#48; w&#119; ß&#223;&szlig;
1&#49; x&#120; à&#224;&agrave;
2&#50; y&#121; á&#225;&aacute;
3&#51; z&#122; â&#226;&acirc;
4&#52; {&#123; ã&#227;&atilde;
5&#53; |&#124; ä&#228;&auml;
6&#54; }&#125; å&#229;&aring;
7&#55; ~&#126; æ&#230;&aelig;
8&#56;  &#160;&nbsp;ç&#231;&ccedil;
9&#57; ¡&#161;&iexcl;è&#232;&egrave;
:&#58; ¢&#162;&cent;é&#233;&eacute;
;&#59; £&#163;&pound;ê&#234;&ecirc;
=&#61; ¥&#165;&yen;ì&#236;&igrave;
?&#63; §&#167;&sect;î&#238;&icirc;
@&#64; ¨&#168;&uml;ï&#239;&iuml;
A&#65; ©&#169;&copy;ð&#240;&eth;
B&#66; ª&#170;&ordf;ñ&#241;&ntilde;
C&#67; «&#171;&laquo;ò&#242;&ograve;
D&#68; ¬&#172;&not;ó&#243;&oacute;
E&#69; ­&#173;&shy;ô&#244;&ocirc;
F&#70; ®&#174;&reg;õ&#245;&otilde;
G&#71; ¯&#175;&macr;ö&#246;&ouml;
H&#72; °&#176;&deg;÷&#247;&divide;
I&#73; ±&#177;&plusmn;ø&#248;&oslash;
J&#74; ²&#178;&sup2;ù&#249;&ugrave;
K&#75; ³&#179;&sup3;ú&#250;&uacute;
L&#76; ´&#180;&acute;û&#251;&ucirc;
M&#77; µ&#181;&micro;ü&#252;&uuml;
N&#78; &#182;&para;ý&#253;&yacute;
O&#79; ·&#183;&middot;þ&#254;&thorn;
P&#80; ¸&#184;&cedil;ÿ&#255;&yuml;
Q&#81; ¹&#185;&sup1;Œ&#338; 
R&#82; º&#186;&ordm;œ&#339; 
S&#83; »&#187;&raquo;Š&#352; 
T&#84; ¼&#188;&frac14;š&#353; 
U&#85; ½&#189;&frac12;Ÿ&#376; 
V&#86; ¾&#190;&frac34;ƒ&#402; 
W&#87; ¿&#191;&iquest;&#8211; 
X&#88; À&#192;&Agrave;&#8212; 
Y&#89; Á&#193;&Aacute;&#8216; 
Z&#90; Â&#194;&Acirc;&#8217; 
[&#91; Ã&#195;&Atilde;&#8218; 
\&#92; Ä&#196;&Auml;&#8220; 
]&#93; Å&#197;&Aring;&#8221; 
^&#94; Æ&#198;&AElig;&#8222; 
_&#95; Ç&#199;&Ccedil;&#8224; 
`&#96; È&#200;&Egrave;&#8225; 
a&#97; É&#201;&Eacute;&#8226; 
b&#98; Ê&#202;&Ecirc;&#8230; 
c&#99; Ë&#203;&Euml;&#8240; 
d&#100; Ì&#204;&Igrave;&#8364;&euro;
e&#101; Í&#205;&Iacute;&#8482; 
f&#102; Î&#206;&Icirc;