Recording a Web completion as part of a dual-mode project


In the context of a dual-mode survey, you want self-completions done on the Web to be taken into consideration in CATI field management.


## This question is located where the questionnaire is considered complete
% Question
   _cetappel = &add_call_cetappel("WEB","Completed")
   ## The previous line MUST attribute the result to "_cetappel"
   ## The first argument is the name of the "interviewer" associated with the completed questionnaire.
   ## The second argument is the exact result code (see cwcodescati.cgi) to attribute to the "call".
% Note
% Categories
% Skips
% Condition
   # The line below must be adjusted to the IP address of CATI interviewers
   { $contexte{ip} !~ / }
% Open part

! ####################################################################################################


CallWeb projects set up for management in CATI context are controlled by a series of specialized modules. Telephone numbers are fed to interviewers, among other factors, on the basis of the completion status of the questionnaire. When questionnaires are available for completion via CATI and via the open Web, questionnaires completed without CATI assistance must be identified.

This identification takes the form of a fake telephone call entry added to the call history of a case that is completed over the Web. This addition is performed by a CALCUL question using the add_call_cetappel function; the result must imperatively be sent to the _cetappel variable. The CALCUL function must bear a display condition to be activated only when the questionnaire is completed over the Web; one way to do this is to exclude from this calculation all of the IP addresses specific to the CATI environment.

Recording a Web completion as part of a dual-mode project


In the context of a dual-mode survey, you want self-completions done on the Web to be taken into consideration in CATI field management.


## This question is located where the questionnaire is considered complete
% Question
   _cetappel = &add_call_cetappel("WEB","Completed")
   ## The previous line MUST attribute the result to "_cetappel"
   ## The first argument is the name of the "interviewer" associated with the completed questionnaire.
   ## The second argument is the exact result code (see cwcodescati.cgi) to attribute to the "call".
% Note
% Categories
% Skips
% Condition
   # The line below must be adjusted to the IP address of CATI interviewers
   { $contexte{ip} !~ / }
% Open part

! ####################################################################################################


CallWeb projects set up for management in CATI context are controlled by a series of specialized modules. Telephone numbers are fed to interviewers, among other factors, on the basis of the completion status of the questionnaire. When questionnaires are available for completion via CATI and via the open Web, questionnaires completed without CATI assistance must be identified.

This identification takes the form of a fake telephone call entry added to the call history of a case that is completed over the Web. This addition is performed by a CALCUL question using the add_call_cetappel function; the result must imperatively be sent to the _cetappel variable. The CALCUL function must bear a display condition to be activated only when the questionnaire is completed over the Web; one way to do this is to exclude from this calculation all of the IP addresses specific to the CATI environment.